Cécile Fabre, All Souls College, Oxford
I am a political philosopher, and currently Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. I am also Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and affiliated with the Faculty of Philosophy, the Department of Politics and International Relations, and Nuffield College, Oxford. My research interests are in theories of distributive justice; the philosophy of democracy; just war theory; the ethics of foreign policy, with particular focus on the ethics of economic statecraft and the ethics of espionage. I am currently working on several different papers, around the following themes:
(a) Reparative justice - more specifically, what, if anything, victims owe their wrongdoers
(b) Doxastic wrongs
(c) The moral and political philosophy of cultural heritage
You will find here details of my publications, and blogs/podcasts /lectures. For teaching resources see here.
On 24 March 2022, I delivered the Roseman Lecture in Practical Ethics at the University of Toronto, entitled 'Value, Justice and Humankind's Cultural Heritage'. I gave an expanded version of that lecture as the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Stanford University on May 10-12 2022, with responses by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Lynn Meskell, Anna Stilz, and Leif Wenar. The Lectures will be published in the Tanner Lectures series. The pre-copy edited text is available here.
Contact address: Professor Cécile Fabre, All Souls College, Oxford OX1 4AL, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
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